Many people buy a computer not thinking about what they need to do to keep it operating in the most efficient way so that you can get their work done faster and easier.
Locating your computer
Be sure to locate the computer in an area where it can't be hit or knocked over. If you put it under a table or desk be sure you can't accidentally kick it or damage it. The cases are all plastic. Many people still put them right on their desk. That's OK if you are sure you can't accidentally knock it over or spill something on it.
If you have a laptop
Keep it in the same place at all times. This way you don't have to worry about where it is. Don not let others use it. Keep it in a secure place so it can't be stolen. Use a docking station if practical. This way you don't have to plug in your printer, monitor or other external devices ever time you bring it back to your office.
Cable problems
It seems like more and more cables are added to computers. You can have cables for you mouse, keyboard, printer and other devices. If you have these cables under your desk you could trip on them and maybe accidentally unplug one or more. To prevent some of this problem you can use a wireless keyboard and mouse. It will at least help.
Clutter is a big problem in any office or work area. Get yourself some shelves or filing cabinets. This will help you know where things are when you need them. Do not print out anything you don't have to. You can file your documents on your computer. Be sure you put it in a folder (directory) that you create and label it so you can find it again. This will keep you from having to find a place for it on a shelf or on your desk.
Back up your data
This is far more important than you think. You can buy programs that will do it automatically. A One Touch drive is great for this purpose. Once you have set it up, all you have to do is literally touch a button and it will back it up for you. The reason it will increase you efficiency is that if your hard drive crashes you will have everything backed up and you can get up and running much faster. You don't have to worry that you might lose your valuable files.
Get comfortable
You will be able to spend far more time at your computer if your comfortable. Get a chair that is easy to sit on. Lighting is very important also. You will have less eye strain and you might even feel like working.
The above suggestion are only that. The main thing is that you don't let anything interrupt whatever you plan to do with your computer.
Dennis is a Microsoft A+ Certified Technician with over 15 years of experience. He has a very informative computer blog and website that goes into how to solve numerous computer related problems as well as providing general computer tips, reviews and advice. See:
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